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2008-03-31 15:02:30
 Magyarszentmiklós - Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve) - Hatvan, CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998.jpg

Nyilvános Nyilvános

Accessibility: The village of Magyarszentmiklós lies 12 km north of Nagykanizsa.
Municipality address:
8776 Magyarszentmiklós, Fő út 31.
Phone: (93) 356-003
Mayor: Mr. János Schindlberger
Population: 306
Characteristics: The territory of the village has been populated since ancient times. The name of the settlement was first mentioned in written documents at the end of the 13th century. The Turks destroyed the village in 1570. In 1744, German settlers were brought in. The population figure showed a steady increase until 1930, then, it began to decline.
The number of registered unemployed is five. Magyarszentmiklós has traditionally been an agricultural village. Until 1959, when the agricultural cooperative was established, agriculture was dominated by small farms. By now, forestry has become another important source of income.
The main development plan tol 2000 is the construction of a gas network.
Apartments with
water: 100%
gas: to be installed
phone: 50%
sewage: in process
paved roads: 100%

This text came from the following book:

Title: Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve)
Series: County handbooks of Hungary (Magyarország megyei kézikönyvei)
Chief editor: Hóbor József
Publisher: (Hatvan), CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998
ETO: 908.439.121(035) ; 050.8(439.121)
ISBN: 963-9089-18-2
Pages: 488-1040 p.
Remark: Closed on: 1998. márc. 31.