Ugrás a menühöz.Ugrás a keresődobozhoz.Ugrás a tartalomhoz.

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2008-04-01 08:50:03
 Zalakomár - Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve) - Hatvan, CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998.jpg

Nyilvános Nyilvános

Accessibility: The village of Zalakomár lies 18 km from Nagykanizsa, on main road No. 7. It can easily be reached both by car and by train. Zalakomár is a regional economic center.
Municipality address:
8751 Zalakomár, Tavasz u. 13.
Phone: (93) 386-037, 386-042
Fax: (93) 386-017
Mayor: Mr. Miklós Varga
Population: 3 250
Characteristics: The villages Komárváros and Kiskomárom were united in 1969, forming the present Zalakomár. The earliest signs of the presence of man in the area date from the 8th century. The name Komár first comes up in a charter in 1019. In 1449, it is mentioned as a market town. The first written hint to Kiskomárom dates from 1410. The birth rate is slightly increasing.
Apartments with
water: 86%
gas: 57%
phone: 30%
Paved roads: 93%
Garbage collection: organized.
Development plan to the year 2000: Extension of the sewerage and the primary school, construction of a bicycle path, a gymnasium and a kindergarten.
Economy: Plant cultivation. The major industrial enterprises are ZIF Ltd. (dried onion production), Zalakerámia (wall tile production), Ciklo-Trade Ltd., HD Tex (garments production) and Sza-badics Civil Engineering Ltd. Unemployment: 20% Institutions: Two libraries, two kindergartens, a primary school, a culture house and three sports fields.
Sights: The Baroque Roman Catholic with frescos by Dorffmeister, the mansion of Ormándpuszta and the buffalo farm in Kápolnapuszta.

This text came from the following book:

Title: Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve)
Series: County handbooks of Hungary (Magyarország megyei kézikönyvei)
Chief editor: Hóbor József
Publisher: (Hatvan), CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998
ETO: 908.439.121(035) ; 050.8(439.121)
ISBN: 963-9089-18-2
Pages: 488-1040 p.
Remark: Closed on: 1998. márc. 31.